Archive and Research

Research and Publications

This sections includes papers written by different authors, about Casa Popenoe and its history. Some are about art history, architecture, history of Antigua, archaeology, botany, museology, and others. This section is only available in Spanish.

Un viaje a la Guatemala de ayer. Con una semilla de aguacate en el bolsillo

Por: Rodrigo Fernández-Ordóñez

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Recuperación del recuerdo de una memoria: Artículo sobre Wilson Popenoe, publicado en el Diario de Centro América

Por: Martín Fernández-Ordóñez

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The Avocado in Guatemala

by Wilson Popenoe

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¿Qué será del arte después de la COVID-19? Radiografía de una realidad que superó a la ficción

Por Martín Fernández-Ordóñez

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Popenoe Archive

The Popenoe Archive is composed of a variety of documents. Letters from the Popenoe family, institutional and professional mail, photographs, visit records from the house, among others. In this section, the visitor will find interesting examples of the archive, which are an invaluable historical treasure.

Orchidarium that Wilson Popenoe built among the “ruin” in the main garden of the house, in the early 1940’s. Francisco Marroquin University recently carried out the recovery of the orchids. Currently there are more than 42 endemic species, from different parts of Guatemala.  

View of the herb garden from the terrace (roof of the pigeon loft) In this image you can appreciate the meticulous restoration process of the mixtilinear planters, so characteristic of the baroque of Antigua. Photograph taken around 1931. This garden was one of the first parts of the house to be intervened and one of the few that Dorothy, Wilson’s first wife, managed to see finished before her tragic and sudden death. 

First service courtyard, leading to the historic bathroom and kitchen. This photograph was taken in 1929, before work began on restoring the house. Note the excellent state of conservation of the towers. The one on the left corresponds to the kitchen chimney lantern; the one on the right, to the tower of the steps leading from the pigeon loft to the terrace.

Beautiful image of a woman sitting on one of the built-in benches, part of the characteristic corner balcony, in the Main Hall of Casa Popenoe. The photograph has no date, but it could be placed at the end of the 1930s, when the restoration of all the rooms had been completed.

Fun facts

Did you know that the influence of Casa Popenoe is so big, that a family built a replica in Pasadena, California? It was built in the 1940s, and the main difference is that the house in California has metal balconies. Casa Popenoe has wooden balconies, but they originally, they were made out of metal as well.

Did you know that Casa Popenoe has the only pigeon loft from the XVIII century, and that is open to the public? It is like a tiny city inside the house, composed of 132 "bedrooms" for each pigeon couple; each one has its own door and window!

Did you know that Casa Popenoe has one of the few examples of a hydraulic system from the colonial period in Guatemala? The water system is so complex, that historians, archaeologists, and engineers still study it.

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